Breaking free from eating disorders – bring the life-changing tastelife course to your community
People with eating disorders find themselves in a very dark place. tastelife aims to help them out of that darkness, by providing compassionate knowledge, understanding, and tools for recovery.
Join our growing network of volunteer course leaders by training to run our 8-session tastelife course in your community, and offer sufferers and carers effective tools for recovery.
We’re running this course Live ONLINE or in the East of England. If we’re on-line there’ll be a follow up face to face session on Saturday 12th September, to help you launch your first course.
This course is desperately needed as there are an estimated 4 million sufferers in the UK, and limited NHS resources. The training is inspiring – and always fun! It will equip you with all you need, plus accreditation from University of Brighton. Based on Christian values and suitable for all.
Interested? Get in touch: contact us about training