Welcome to tastelife UK

eating-a-problem-icon tastelife made it to radio!

tastelife CEO Di Archer was interviewed on UCB Radio, not once, but twice!

Didn’t catch her? Why not listen to Di via Spotify or UCB website? Click the buttons to listen now!

eating-a-problem-icon Eating a problem?

We know that life can be difficult sometimes. We try to find ways to cope, and for some of us, that might mean a change in our eating behaviour.


concerned-icon Concerned for someone?

If you are, you may well have said: ‘It’s my fault’ ‘I feel so helpless’ ‘I don’t know what to do’ ‘I am so worried’ ‘We can’t talk anymore’ ‘Where can I find help?’


Run-a-course-tastelife-uk Run a course

You are needed. We meet so many people who are desperate for help, want to go on a tastelife course but as yet there is not one near them.

The tastelife Youth Track: Available Now!
Welcome to tastelife
tastelife is about just that: tasting life. tastelife believes in breaking free from eating disorders and rediscovering life in all its fullness.

tastelife offers hope for those directly affected and help for their family and friends through the tastelife 8-session Community Recovery Course with teaching, discussion, stories of recovery and tools for life.

tastelifeUK is a supportive and educational charity that informs about
eating disorders. It provides tools for recovery for those affected and
help for those who care; preventative resources for young people in
schools and youth groups; and education for all interested.

From The Blog
A Father’s Perspective
A Father’s Perspective

A Father’s Perspective We just want to say a Happy Father’s Day to all the Dads out there! Thank you for all you do and all the love you give. We know at tastelife that being a Dad in the midst of eating disorders can be an incredibly tough place to stand. So we have

Tackling Loneliness Together
Tackling Loneliness Together

  It is Mental Health Awareness Week and we are talking about loneliness this year.  Research has revealed that one in four adults admit to being lonely some or all of the time. Loneliness is no doubt an incredibly difficult emotion to navigate and the rise in comparison culture and the lack of community through

Autism and Eating Disorders
Autism and Eating Disorders

This week is World Autism Acceptance Week. We know all too well at tastelife that eating disorders affect people from all walks of life,  they do not discriminate. We asked Barbara Mitra from Worcester University to share with us, her knowledge and experience of the visible link between eating disorders and autism.  There are a


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