Don’t know how to help? Can’t imagine ever being free of the eating disorder?
Order our booklets, created to help. Find them here.
‘I think every parent or friend of someone with an eating disorder should have this great resource’
‘If only I had had this when our daughter became ill with bulimia … as it was, no one had any ideas to help us’
Order your copy: we charge £3 per booklet to cover printing and postage, so that we can get help to more people. Order one here.
Tastelife merch!
tastelife pen
We love our smart pens – technically they sell for £1 but grab them as part of our merchandise bundle, along with a keyring and our new wristband. Find it here.
tastelife keyring
Useful and attractive keyring with tastelife logo. Pick one up as part of our merchandise bundle here.
tastelife water bottle
our new passion! £5 for this great water bottle which is dishwasher safe, light to carry, and definitely eye-catching! Get yours here.
Our favourite resources from other people:
First steps out of eating disorders, Dr Kate Middleton, Jane Smith (Lion Hudson, 2010)
Insight into eating disorders, Helena Wilkinson (CWR, 2012)
Living with a black dog, Matthew and Ainsley Johnstone (Robinson, 2009)
Goodbye Ed, Hello Me, Jenni Schaefer (McGraw-Hill Education; 1st edition, 2009)