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‘At last I feel that I’m not alone and there is life after food’

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‘The most helpful idea? Baby steps!’

‘A huge thank you to you all – I have gained confidence, and I realise that food is not the basic problem. I finally admit I cannot win my weight battle on my own, but now at least I am armed with useful working tools.’

‘A massive massive thank you … I finally feel that I’m winning!’

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Who is the tastelife course for?

The course is for anyone who believes they have an eating disorder because issues around eating have taken over their life. You don’t have to have an ‘official’ diagnosis to come. It doesn’t matter what sort of eating disorder you have either – this course is for you.

It is also open to parents, siblings, friends and carers of sufferers.

What is the tastelife course?

The aim of the course is to give you a toolkit of resources that you can use to start walking out of eating issues and back into enjoying life again, baby step by baby step. The tastelife course is not a cure or therapy, but it is a safe place where we can learn and grow together. Full recovery from eating disorders is possible! We have seen it and work with people who are either fully recovered or well on their way.

We believe in new beginnings and starting where you are. We know it isn’t all about food. There is a way out, and the tastelife course helps you to look forward to a time when eating, or not eating, is no longer holding you in its grip. The intention is that you can take hold of life in all its fulness, tasting food and enjoying it without fear, wherever you are and whoever you are with.

See more information here

The cost of the course is £49 per person.  If money is an issue please email us at

The course was accredited by the University of Brighton Health Sciences, and awarded their coveted REQ Mark. It is now endorsed by OCN London (Open College Network). It is run by trained and accredited volunteers.

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